“Do things for yourself. In 30 years, nobody is going to remember your choices except you”.⠀

It’s true how we adults, specially Women, put ourselves on the back burner when we become parents. It’s all about a better life for kids, giving them all the happiness in the world, adapting our aims/dreams to something more suitable for the family dynamics. And not just women, I know a lot of men who work certain jobs which are far from their passions or dreams only because they need the moolah to provide a better lifestyle for their family. ⠀
As rewarding as it is to see your loved ones happy, the truth is everyone around you may or may not remember your sacrifices. ⠀
But all they’ll do is just that- Remember. If you get really lucky, they may thank you for all you did for them. But that’s really it.⠀
In the end you & only you will have to live with all the emotional baggage, the regrets, the happiness, the sadness of every single choice that you make today.⠀
So, choose wisely & with a sprinkle of some self love.⠀
Start small, tiny hacks in your daily routine where you do things for yourself, things that relax you, make you happy. ⠀
A few such routine hacks could be:⠀
  • Cooking up a breakfast for YOURSELF after dropping the kids to school (or virtual school start)⠀
  • Lighting up your favourite candle, snuggling up on the sofa & watch what YOU like⠀

  •  Reading YOUR kind of books, not children’s books, without interruption⠀

  • Stealing some time from your midday routine & taking a power nap⠀

  • Meditate/Exercise/Dance or take an online course if that’s your jam

  • Never, and I say never, let go of a hobby. If not today then tomorrow, in a year, two or may be ten, but get back to it, reignite your passion & let it fill you with a satisfactory warmth

  • Last, but not the least, Day dream about achieving your dreams⠀
Not an exhaustive list but you get the idea. Simply put, take time out for yourself, don’t wait for others to make you happy. DIY .

You’ll see the impact these little conscious choices can have on your quality of life & eventually how the little things will lead to bigger & better changes and a much more satisfactory sense of life. Agreed?
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